Pusat Kerjasama Internasional (Center for International Cooperation)

– Ketua Pusat Kerjasama Internasional (Head of Center for International Cooperation)
– Sekretaris Pusat Kerjasama Internasional (Secretary to the Center for International Cooperation)

Center for International Cooperation was established to serve three functions:

International Partnership

Any international partnership for Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha will be proceed in and by Center for International Cooperation, which includes partnership: initiation, visitation, formation of international association, and agreement signing. Each unit at the university (faculty or program) has the right to initiate any international cooperation but it must be conducted under Center for International Cooperation so that the cooperation can be managed at the university level.

International Promotion

In line with the goal of Undiksha as the world class University, Center for International Cooperation has the responsibility to introduce Undiksha into the wide world. Some efforts for international promotion should be established that can be in the forms of leaflets, websites, events and visits. Any publications related to international activities of Undiksha should be the work of Center for International Cooperation.

Inbound and Outbound Mobility’s Service

Center for International Cooperation is responsible for the inbound and outbound mobility of the staffs, students and researchers. We will help inbound and outbound personnel to cope with their visa, passport and stay permit or sometimes work permit. We provide information and facilitation including orientation related to personnel going in and out the university.